Olà, I am Eva
My mission is to help sensitive, heart-centered leaders overcome self-doubt and live on autopilot, trying to live up to others' expectations and not their own.
I want to encourage impact-driven women to design a work life where they can be truly themselves, express their unique potential, and make a positive difference in this world.
Is this you?
You wonder if you are still on the right path.
The “normal” 9 to 5 routine alienates and tires you.
At work, you feel you cannot be your authentic self and you have to adapt a lot in order to fit in.
For some time, you have been thinking about changing your work life in a direction where you can create more meaning and impact for causes that you really care about.
Maybe you dream about living abroad and working remotely, you don't want to be caged into an office anymore.
Living as a digital nomad in the Bali bubble also doesn’t sound like a long-term alternative to you.
I feel you!
It took me some time and courage to go for the life that is true to myself.
Back in 2017/2018, I was really stuck: My hormones were totally out of whack, I had been dreaming about moving to another country where I felt more at home, how to build a career where I could work with people individually, and not be bound to an office. However, I didn’t want to disappoint and hurt anyone. In my mind, I had to live up to the expectations around me, not cause conflict, instead of honoring my own truth. I was afraid to change and to fail with my dreams. It took me at least 3 years, not just to admit to myself but also to the people close to me that I had outlived my life and started embarking on a new journey.
Coaching helped me overcome my self-imposed fears, clarify what is important to me and turn my knowledge into action. During the course to become a certified Co-Active Coach, I experienced coaching myself and had several light bulb moments that resonated deeply.
At the end of 2018, I closed several chapters of my life to begin something new. I divorced, quit my corporate job, moved out of my apartment, started my own business, and traveled the world.
Today, I continue to build a life on my terms. A business where my heart and impact come first. I live 5 Mins from the beach and work remotely with inspiring personal clients and inspirational global organizations like Child Helpline International, UNICEF, and DHL.
I witness the transformation of my clients and I feel blessed to be part of their journey. Now, I support other empathic
women to create a fulfilling, out-of-the-box work life, too.
You are an empathic leader, pioneer, change maker who:
wants to be your whole authentic self in all areas of your life and doesn't want to change your personality to fit in
values meaning, purpose, and contributing to something you truly believe in more than climbing the corporate career ladder
is a role model and positive inspiration for the people in your life
is open-minded, a global citizen at heart, and loves to work internationally or remotely
is curious and continuously invests in your personal and professional growth
I am an empathic and professional partner who connects easily with people. My clients feel immediately safe to be fully themselves and enjoy the trustful atmosphere in our sessions.
I am driven to evolve and grow continuously. I love to support people on the journey of creating self awareness and developing into who the want to become.
I encourage myself and my clients to push forward through the mostly self-imposed hurdles and fears and to go for the work-life choices which really energize and fulfil us.
My qualifications
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) - Co-Active Training Institute (200 hours)
6 years experience in international Talent & Leadership Development in a global company with 20.000 employees
11 years of offering personal coaching, leadership training, and team development to organizations worldwide to facilitate successful cultural transformation, high-performance teams, and leadership behaviors of the 21st century.
So far, I have impacted more than 2.000 leaders at Nintendo, UNICEF, UNAIDS, Child Helpline International, Deutsche Post DHL Group, GKN, DHL Global Forwarding, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung EV Athens, Youth Against AIDS and more
Master of Arts in Intercultural Personnel Development and Organizational Communication, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Are you ready for a heartfilled work life?
Sign up and receive your Heart@Work Letter!
During my bi-weekly Heart@Work Letter, you will receive meaningful insights from my coaching practice on the following topics:
What to do when you are at a crossroads in your journey
Step-by-step courage to set yourself free from draining work that limits your autonomy, purpose, and personal growth
(Re)discovering your superpowers and tapping into your empathic potential
Exploring possibilities and new ways of working
Starting the journey of creating YOUR heartfelt work life